What is Weight Distribution?
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Weight Distribution Systems provide a smoother ride by distributing the load over both the tow vehicle and trailer, which allows for better control and handling no matter the size of your tow rig.
Did you know that towing a caravan is more than just hooking up the trailer? Having the right weight distribution can make all the difference!
Weight Distribution Systems provide a smoother ride by distributing the load over both the tow vehicle and trailer, which allows for better control and handling no matter the size of your tow rig. The system works with a combination of chains, bars, spring arms and adjustable brackets that redirect most of the tongue weight onto both axles on either side of your car or tow vehicle.
So when you’re considering towing a caravan, think about investing in a Weight Distribution System – it will give you an enjoyable driving experience as well as provide extra safety on your journey!
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Sed sapien tincidunt ultrices tempor et ligula. Sed finibus, sem elementum tincidunt tempor, ipsum nisi ullamcorper magna, vel dignissim eros sapien at sem. Aliquam interdum, ante eget sagittis fermentum, mauris metus luctus sem, at molestie lorem.
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Sed finibus, sem elementum tincidunt tempor, ipsum nisi ullamcorper magna, vel dignissim eros sapien at sem. Aliquam interdum, ante eget sagittis fermentum, mauris metus luctus sem, at molestie lorem.